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Which of the following statement is false?

Statements are a fundamental aspect of language and communication. A statement is a sentence that conveys information, makes a claim, expresses an opinion, or presents a fact.

Statements can be true or false, and they can be simple or complex. Simple statements express a single idea, while complex statements contain multiple clauses or phrases that convey more than one idea.

Statements are used in a variety of contexts, including academic writing, journalism, and everyday conversation. In academic writing, statements are used to support arguments and make claims based on evidence.

In journalism, statements are used to report news and present information to the public. In everyday conversation, statements are used to convey information, express opinions, and share ideas.

The ability to recognize and understand statements is an essential skill in effective communication. Misunderstanding or misinterpreting a statement can lead to confusion, miscommunication, and conflict.

Therefore, it is important to be able to identify and evaluate statements in order to communicate effectively and engage in productive conversations.


Which of the following statement is false?

A. Work is a state function.

B. Temperature is a state function.

C. Change of state is completely defined when initial and final states are specified.

D. Work appears at the boundary of the system.


The false statement is A. Work is a state function.


A state function is a property that depends only on the current state of a system, and not on the path taken to reach that state. Temperature is an example of a state function, as it only depends on the current state of the system and not on how it got there.

However, work is not a state function because it depends on the path taken to get from the initial state to the final state. In other words, the amount of work done on a system depends on the process used to change the state of the system. Therefore, option A is false.

Option B is true because temperature is a state function as it is determined by the internal energy of the system. Option C is also true because the change of state of a system is completely defined when the initial and final states are specified, regardless of the path taken.

Option D is also true because work appears at the boundary of a system and represents the transfer of energy between the system and its surroundings.

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