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The major activities of the logistics section include?

Logistics is the process of planning, implementing, and coordinating the movement of goods, services, and personnel from one place to another. In the context of emergency management, logistics refers to the management of resources needed to support response and recovery operations. This includes personnel, equipment, supplies, and facilities.

The logistics function involves identifying the resources needed, procuring or obtaining those resources, maintaining them in good condition, and accounting for their use. Logistics personnel must ensure that resources are deployed to the appropriate location in a timely and efficient manner and that they are used effectively to support response and recovery efforts.

The logistics function is critical to the success of any emergency response or recovery operation. Without effective logistics, response efforts may be delayed, inefficient, or ineffective. By ensuring that the right resources are available at the right time and place, the logistics function can help to minimize the impact of an emergency or disaster and speed up the recovery process.


The major activities of the logistics section include?

A. Establishing Incident Objectives.

B. Ordering, obtaining, maintaining, and accounting for personnel, equipment, and supplies.

C. Providing liaison to outside agencies.

D. Staging Area operations.


Major activities of the Logistics Section include: ordering, obtaining, maintaining, and accounting for essential personnel, equipment, and supplies.

The answer is B.


The Logistics Section is a critical component of emergency management, responsible for managing and coordinating the resources needed to support response and recovery operations. The major activities of the Logistics Section include:

  1. Ordering: This involves determining the resources needed, such as personnel, equipment, and supplies, and placing orders for them.
  2. Obtaining: Once orders are placed, the Logistics Section is responsible for obtaining the necessary resources and supplies, which may involve coordinating with vendors or other organizations to ensure timely delivery
  3. Maintaining: The Logistics Section is responsible for maintaining the resources and supplies in good condition, which includes performing routine maintenance on equipment, ensuring proper storage of supplies, and ensuring personnel are trained and prepared to use the resources effectively.
  4. Accounting: The Logistics Section must account for all personnel, equipment, and supplies being used or held in reserve. This includes tracking the location and status of each resource, monitoring inventory levels, and ensuring that the resources are being used efficiently and effectively.

By ordering, obtaining, maintaining, and accounting for essential personnel, equipment, and supplies, the Logistics Section can ensure that the necessary resources are available to respond to and recover from emergencies and disasters. This helps to minimize the impact of the event and speed up the recovery process.

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